
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s Corporate Philosophy 系统

娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的管理原则体系包括集团的企业理念, which outlines the approach and policies that underpin corporate activities; the 集团愿景, which expresses the form to which we aspire under our Corporate Philosophy over the medium to long term; and Management Strategies to realize the 集团愿景.

  • 02-12

Corporate Philosophy-The 3S Principles

服务:在SEKISUI,十大赌博娱乐平台通过创造社会,环境和经济来服务于十大赌博娱乐平台的利益相关者* value through responsible business practices.
速度:在SEKISUI, we accelerate innovation by eagerly taking on new challenges, 适应变化, 走在时代的前面.
Superiority: At SEKISUI, we contribute to society* by helping to resolve social issues with our prominence in technology and 质量.

  • 5社会, 环境, and economic stakeholders: Customers, 股东, 员工, 业务合作伙伴, 当地社区, 与环境.


Through prominence in technology and 质量, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台将为改善世界人民的生活和地球环境做出贡献, 通过继续开拓娱乐大发澳门赌博平台建设的新领域, 化学溶液.



Guided by SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s Corporate Philosophy and 集团愿景, the 长远愿景,2030年愿景, serves as a bridge for SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group’s management strategy. 《娱乐大发澳门赌博平台》, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has identified its vision statement, 它体现了集团推动持续创新的决心,以支持生命的基础,并为未来创造安心,以实现可持续发展的社会.
以ESG管理为核心的业务增长和改革,以及创造新的业务, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台旨在通过两种不同的方式推动创新,为解决社会问题做出比以往更多的贡献:扩大现有业务* 通过产品和业务改革,通过开发和获取新的业务基地,创造新的业务. 利用这个循环, 十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是到2030年销售额翻一番(销售额达到2万亿日元,营业收入比达到10%或更高)。.

  • Four business domains: Residential (Housing), Advanced Lifeline (Social Infrastructure), Innovative Mobility (Electric/Mobility), and Life Science (Health and Medical).
  • 03-01

Overview of 长远愿景

See the following for materials on the 长远愿景,2030年愿景.


Through business growth and reform and creating new business centered on ESG management, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group aims to realize both a sustainable society and sustainable growth of the Group itself by strengthening three driving forces: the ability to contribute to resolving social issues; the ability to create profit; and the Group’s management ability to sustain business.

  • 02-10

The Group’s management ability to sustain business

Adopted ROIC as a KPI to strengthen the Group’s management ability to sustain business.

娱乐大发澳门赌博平台采用ROIC作为效率指标,并致力于在中长期内进行改进. 为此目的, 通过扩大边际利润、提高生产率等措施提高利润率,通过有效资本投资等多种途径提高投入资本周转率, 植物的最佳利用, 库存调整.


娱乐大发澳门赌博平台将ROIC价差定义为ROIC与长期资本成本之间的差额. By expanding the SEKISUI Sustainable Spread, the Group is increasing its corporate value.


娱乐大发澳门赌博平台将增加在治理(安全的内部控制)等领域的投资, 质量, 会计, 法律/道德事宜, information management and risk management), 数字转换(DX), 环境和人力资本,通过建立ESG投资限制来降低可能导致重大事件的风险. 十大赌博娱乐平台还将努力控制中长期资金成本,提高十大赌博娱乐平台的管理能力,以维持业务.

  • 02-11

Overview of the Current Medium-term Management Plan)

Under the current Medium-term Management Plan, 开2022, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has worked diligently to promote business growth and reform, make preparations for long-term growth, 以推进ESG管理基本战略为指导,夯实ESG管理基础. Through these endeavors, the Company reported record-high net sales of ¥1,242.5 billion in fiscal 2022 against a target of ¥1,220.00亿年. While operating income was held to ¥91.7 billion against a target of ¥110.1000亿,ROIC降到70.6%,而目标是8%.由于COVID-19的长期影响导致需求波动和原材料价格高企,这一比例为6%, 尽管有大流行病,十大赌博娱乐平台在促进三大行动方面的努力正在稳步取得进展.

Business Growth and Reform (Existing Business Drive)

Bring forward structural reforms, accelerate the shift to high-value-added products, address the surge in raw material costs through adjustments to product prices

Preparations for Long-term Growth (New Business Drive)

Push forward town and community development, Bio-Refinery (BR), 钙钛矿太阳能电池, 以及其他新的商业主题, and expand the Life Science business

Strengthening the ESG management base (Business Base Drive)

Set KPIs for each of the five materialities (governance (internal control), 环境, 数字转换(DX), 人力资本, and fusion (inclusion)) and products to enhance sustainability, 投入管理资源,发展和实施集团范围内和部门内的公司计划.

  • 02-13

The next Medium-term Management Plan Drive 2.0- 2030年第二阶段

提升企业价值的三项举措构成了娱乐大发澳门赌博平台中期管理计划驱动2下的基本战略的支柱.0 - 2030年第二阶段, which is positioned as the second stage in efforts to realize the 长远愿景,2030年愿景.
根据计划, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will engage in strategic creation, work to strengthen existing businesses, and bolster its ESG management base in a bid to achieve sustainable growth, 与此同时,升级和扩大努力,创造和收购新的业务.
制定2025财年目标, 计划的最后一年, 包括净销售额1元,4100亿年, operating income of ¥115 billion, ROIC为8.5%.

Strategic Creation (Strategic Innovation)

娱乐大发澳门赌博平台正在为创建新的业务领域进行详细的准备. 具体来说, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在努力在创新领域进行创新,并推动七大主题的商业化,作为其战略区域地图的一部分, which was formulated as a compass for realizing our Long-term Vision.

Strengthening Existing Businesses (Organic Growth)

娱乐大发澳门赌博平台正在努力稳步发展现有业务并微调其投资组合. 特别是, we are focusing on expanding enhancement areas, undertaking the balanced allocation of resources through portfolio management, and expanding growth drivers while promoting unrelenting structural reforms.

Strengthening the 环境、社会和治理管理 Base (Strengthen Sustainability)

在下一个中期管理计划中,为加强ESG措施制定550亿日元(资本支出+支出)的支出预算, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台正在积极采取中长期措施,包括降低导致重大事故风险的活动, 在DX等领域的投资, 人力资本, 还有环境.

  • See the following for materials on the next Medium-term Management Plan Drive 2.0.